These signs also indicate that those who scream the loudest that they do not care about Legacy are still tethered to this Universe like never before and make their presence known, while denying the mere existence of its importance to them. Cycle after Cycle, communications gleaned from the tendrils of space indicated that Legacy was DEAD, DONE, FINISHED, NOT WORTH THE EFFORT and yet, the signs show us more and more that we are still quite alive on multiple levels. It’s by far the most expensive ship on the list with a whopping price tag of 146,969,450 Credits.Well CMDRs, it definitely was a cycle to remember for many reasons and yet one reason does stand out the most. There is always one at Jameson Memorial for 10% off or a more expensive one at i Sola Prospect with a 20% additional cost. The Anaconda will appear in various stations now and then, though it was much more common in 2019. Even for passive explorers, it will scare off other players and can handle most threats the galaxy throws at them. The player can reasonably mine, fight, and trade while exploring. There’s also the fact that the Anaconda comes with a steep price tag of almost 147 million credits, but this is an exploration ship that can be designed for any possible purpose whatsoever. It is rather large and somewhat cumbersome to maneuver at times, however. This beast can perform massive 80+ LY jumps and has more than enough space to equip anything the player could ever possibly want or need. Hands down, the best ship in the game for exploring is the Anaconda. The question is, do players want to ride in style or be feared by the galaxy? These ships range from very affordable for beginning explorers to incredibly expensive luxuries. Ships go up for sale at various stations all the time at random, but by and large, players will need to go to specific stations that will always have these ships. It’s also important to know where to get them and how much they’re going to cost. Updated Maby Ben Baker:Simply knowing which ships are bests for exploration isn’t enough. For players looking to get into travel or need to upgrade to something a little better, here are the best exploration ships according to the fanbase. The nature of this activity requires players to be in a ship capable of handling long-distance travel, carrying everything they need for the trip, and help them survive the journey. RELATED: The 10 Best Space Flight Simulation Games (According To Metacritic) As a result, many players simply enjoy traipsing around the universe seeing what they can find in this simulation game. The game’s galaxy is huge with lots of sights to see and places to visit. Exploration is one of the many activities players can spend their time doing in Elite Dangerous.